Over 20+ years Drucker Labs has established itself as an innovative leader and manufacturer of a complete line of 100% Organically bound liquid dietary supplements for both children and adults. Dr. Drucker has perfected the selection of 415+ essential nutrients to create an impressive line of 100% Organically bound liquid nutritional supplements that are recommended by Health Care professionals all over the world. Offering 415+ specifically sourced nutrients elevate DL products beyond its competitors in both QUANTITY and QUALITY.
Proprietary Manufacturing (known as Carbon-bond Technology) delivers Rapid Infusion and Maximum Absorption of ALL Drucker Labs' products, BEYOND the Competition.
Drucker Labs proprietary Carbon-bond Technology™ is the result of 20+ years of research, development, testing and analysis. This technology is a unique and proprietary technology which rapidly infuses 100% Organically bound nutrients in the body's cells in a matter of seconds while simultaneously cleansing toxins from extra-cellular space, interstitial fluid and fatty tissue.
Drucker Labs' intraLINE products contain 100% Organically bound Carbon, making them a near "perfect tissue match" with our body's cells and tissues. This near perfect similarity in the bio-chemical structure of DL's Carbon-bond Technology enables nutrients to have rapid systemic absorption, optimal bioavailability and maximum utilization of nutrients at the cellular level. The "building blocks" of the technology are simple; all living cells and tissues are made of Organic Carbon, as opposed to inert or synthetic matter which primarily contain inorganic (toxic) Carbonate.